No More Knots Interview - Sentrian Allied Health Client Testimonial

We have a simple mission: supporting the people behind organisations with the 'you centred technology' they need to succeed.We were lucky to have the chance to sit down with the General Manager of Sentrian's client No More Knots, Kristy Donoghue, to have a chat about her experience working with us as their managed IT service provider. Kristy spoke about the importance of trusted IT support and having reliable help desk engineers on-call for health businesses, and the advantages of working with a consistent team that know her business. Massive thank you to No More Knots for their time and ongoing business!

Here is the transcript of the interview:

Kristy: "The business started technically in the year 2000. It was started by Kelly Townsend, my business partner, and we are a pretty big operation nowadays, our team sort of fluctuates between around 60 and 70 people in a balance of administrative support team members, managers and of course our amazing therapist team. Well, nowadays technology if you don't have it and it support things can go bad really quickly.

Also because I'm not at the clinics all the time, so it's really critical for me that I know that the reception team at each one of our clinics is able to call and get somebody straight away and feel like they know that they can trust that someone at Sentrian will answer straight away and they do, so that's also kind of a relief for me to know that they will always have that support regardless of whether I'm in the clinic or not.

They reach out to me every year they usually make me come have a coffee or something like that just to chat about business, how things are going, and I can talk to them about everything from the phone systems that we have in place to, you know, the IT hardware that we have - it's not just simply about fixing issues that happen on a day-to-day basis - I know that I can give them a call for broader advice and guidance about what to do in the IT and tech space, which is nice.

It is tough to find a business that keeps their core team for a long time and I must say I'm impressed with Sentrian in that regard because I'm always dealing with Rob, Joel and Elvio, and it's not to say that their roles haven't changed a little bit within the organization, of course that's understandable, but there's people that I know and trust and also know our business really well, and they do stay solid there, which is you know really impressive and it doesn't always work that way."

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