Sentrian is an ISO27001 certified organisation

As a Managed Services Provider, Sentrian take our responsibilities to our customers very seriously. This is especially true when it comes to Security. Because of our position of trust within our customers organisation, IT security has to start with us. That is why Sentrian have now become ISO 27001 Information Security Certified.

What is ISO 27001 Information Security?

The ISO 27001 Information Security, Cyber Security and Privacy Protection (to give it its full name) certification is an internationally recognised, structured methodology dedicated to Information Security and its related risk management processes. By conforming to ISO 27001, you know that Sentrian have put in place a system to manage risks related to the security of data that we own or handle. It also means that we adhere to the best practices and principles contained within the international standard.

Organisations such as ours who are ISO 27001 certified have a holistic approach to information security which includes vetting people as well as policies and technologies. This gives us a robust Information Security Management System (ISMS) to reduce risk, increase cyber resilience and demonstrate operational excellence.

How does this benefit Sentrian's customers?

The primary benefit to our customers is that by adhering to ISO 27001 standards, our risk of data breaches is reduced considerably. By proactively, and in a structured manner, identifying and mitigating against IT security risks, our organisation is better prepared and hardened against attack. This hardening has a direct impact on you, our customer, as MSP's are in a uniquely privileged position in so far as we require deep access to your resources in order to be able to support you. To put it bluntly, if we are insecure, you probably are too.

Another benefit of Sentrian holding the ISO 27001 certification is that you as our customer can rest easy knowing that a third party has certified our preparedness. You don't have to take our word for it. In order to become certified we have undertaken a year long process to implement the systems and controls before we were independantly audited and certified. In order to keep our certification, we must undergo the auditing process every year giving you peace of mind that we are continuously reviewing and improving our security controls to stay up to date with current threats.

How can I find out more about Sentrians ISO 27001 certification?

If you require a copy of our certificate of registration for ISO 27001 or you would like further information regarding our security measures, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly. You can email us at or call us on 1300 791 678.

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