Getting Started

What to expect when starting your engagement with Sentrian

One Subscription, Many Services

Sentrian One Subscription is a simple monthly subscription. Every service on a single invoice.
Add or remove services and capacity as required month to month.

Buy just one service or any combination of services.
Consumption-based pricing, pay only for what you need and use.

Predictable costs with known pricing.
Cancel anytime, subject to cancellation terms.

Designed for You

Every business is unique. Your Sentrian consultant is responsible for understanding your business challenges, and then providing you with advice and costed options.

No Cost To Find Out

All discovery and design work is completed at no cost to new clients. You will not be charged for any of our work prior to accepting a proposal. Not happy with what we propose? We understand. It doesn't always work out, you are not under any obligations.

Worry-Free Transition-In

Once you have decided to go ahead, Transition-In is the process of starting as a new Sentrian One Subscription client.

Transition-In projects are run by our Service Transition team, a dedicated group of highly skilled and experienced engineers. Transition-In can take as little as a single day for a simple service, to multiple weeks for a more complex migration. Transition-In is typically a fixed price and is shown in our proposal to you.

You will have a dedicated Project Manager responsible for your Transition-In project. Your Project Manager will deal with all third parties, including software vendors and telcos.

Your Transition-In project is planned to minimise disruption to your business. There will be little or no downtime.

Our Process

Free Strategy Session

Spend an hour with an expert discussing your business challenges, available technologies and brainstorming ideas.


Complete a Fact Finder survey.
For more complex needs, a Discovery Workshop will help unravel your requirements. Depending on the services you require, we may also undertake an assessment of your current IT environment.


We create a transition plan from your current configuration to your new service. We will provide any practical variation options and options for further developing and improving your technology in future.


Yay, you’ve decided to use Sentrian. Accept online to start your subscription.


Our Service Transition team ensures little-to-no interruptions to your organisation’s workflow while you are getting started with new Sentrian services.


You’ll be given a service active date. You and your staff will receive the full benefits of Sentrian services from this date, including a single monthly bill.

Book your free strategy session.

Spend some time with a Sentrian expert and walk away with a plan to get your business tech on track.

Common Questions

Still have questions? Get in touch